Replica Gucci Dionysus small shoulder bag
The Gucci Dionysus small shoulder bag is a structured bag made of beige/ebony GG Supreme canvas. a material with low environmental impact. and features red suede detail. It has antique silver-toned hardware and a pin closure with side release. as well as a unique tiger head closure that references the Greek god Dionysus. The bag has hand-painted edges and a suede lining with GG Supreme canvas interior pockets. It also has a double gusset and an interior zippered compartment. as well as a pocket under the flap. The sliding chain strap can be worn as a shoulder strap with a 38cm drop or as a top handle with a 22cm drop. with a minimum length of 50cm and a maximum length of 79cm. The bag weighs approximately 0.6kg and has a small size of W28cm x H17cm x D9cm.
Dionysus Product Details
- Beige/ebony GG Supreme canvas. a material with low environmental impact. with red suede detail
- Antique silver-toned hardware
- Pin closure with side release
- Tiger head closure
- Hand-painted edges
- Interior zippered compartment
- Pocket under the flap
- Double gussets
- Sliding chain strap can be worn as a shoulder strap with 38cm drop or can be worn as a top handle with 22cm drop. Min length: 50cm. Max length: 79cm
- Weight: .6kg approximately
- Small size: W28cm x H17cm x D9cm
- Suede lining with GG Supreme canvas interior the pockets
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