Replica Gucci Diana Jumbo GG Small Tote Bag 660195 Brown
The Gucci Diana Jumbo GG Small Tote Bag 660195 Brown features the iconic double G logo. which has been reimagined in a maximalist version called the jumbo GG. This logo is prominently displayed on the camel and ebony canvas of the bag. which is accented with brown leather trim and shiny antique gold-toned hardware. The bag comes with two decorative belt handle shapers and has a leather lining with an interior open pocket. The bamboo handles have a 7cm drop. and there is also a detachable and adjustable shoulder strap with a 53cm drop. The bag measures W27cm x H24cm x D11cm and is a part of the Aria collection. which features different iterations of the logo.
-Size: W27cm x H24cm x D11cm
– Double G
– Camel and ebony jumbo GG canvas
– Brown leather trim
– Shiny antique gold-toned hardware
– This item comes with 2 decorative belt handle shapers as shown in the image
– Leather lining
– Interior open pocket
– Bamboo handles with 7cm drop
– Detachable and adjustable shoulder strap with 53cm drop
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